PUBG corp suing Epic Games Fortnite for copyright infringement

PUBG Corp suing Epic Games

Gaming giant, PUBG corp is taking legal action against Epic Games for their similar Battle Royal Game, Fortnite. It seems everything was settled between the two big players. However, PUBG corp waited for the opportune time to take action. Suing Epic Games for copyright infringement. Revealed by Korea Times, PUBG corp filed a lawsuit against Epic Games back in January.

Player Unknowns Battlegrounds was a massive hit from release and the years following it. With Fortnite coming on the scene, however, the growth of the game has fallen short. That’s not to say it’s not still a huge hit. But we can all agree without Fortnite, PUBG would still be topping charts. There are also rumors of Microsoft possibly acquiring the PUBG franchise, along with Electronic Arts. Confirmation of Microsoft taking action though is still unknown.

Pubg map desert

Why is PUBG corp suing Epic Games?

PUBG corp revealed back in September 2017 that Epic Games, Fortnite may be replicating the gameplay PUBG is known for. Furthermore, PUBG corp also states that it is the first standalone Battle Royal Survival shooter game. The report is very scarce with details. But it does tell us that PUBG had concerns about Fortnites gameplay and structural replication relating to Player Unknown. It’s also worth mentioning that Epic Games was a partner in Blueholes similarly released game.

In addition, Fortnite is preparing to enter the Korean gaming market working with Neowiz Games. This may be a big reason why PUBG corp wishes to file the lawsuit now. As Fortnite can also take much of Player Unknown’s Korean audience once it releases in Korea.

For now, though, it’s a waiting game. Player Unknown Battlegrounds has been struggling lately with Fortnites huge growth and success. The company admits it has fallen short of their future plans of PUBG. There are no doubts that Player Unknowns still isn’t massively successful.


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