“Life is Feudal: Your Own” (LiF:YO) is a medieval life simulator for 64 players on a 3km x 3km gameworld. It places you in a realistic medieval setting with the ability to host your own private world and set your own rules. This world has free terraforming and building features. You can build your own house anywhere in the world! Team up with your friends and build a village or city and repel attacks by other players who want to steal your lands and slaughter your cattle! A good castle with tall city walls might help you protect yourselves and your precious valuables.
Life is Feudal Beginner Lessons – Learning the Basics
So, you’ve fallen out of the sky and you’re here. Your Life is Feudal. What now?
For starters, you work out how the hell to do anything in this game. These tips may help.
- C = Toggle third person view
- Tab = Unlock camera
- M = Show the map (you can use the icons on the map to zoom in and out)
- I = Inventory (your inventory space grows with your Willpower)
- T = Equipment/Character panel (drag your items from inventory to slots in equipment to equip)
- L = Skills
- P = Stats
- R = Attack Mode
- Alt H = Hide UI
- Shift = Sprint
- NumLk = Numlock but you must not be holding a movement key when you press NumLk.
- Space = Jump
- W = Forward S = Backwards A = Strafe Left D = Strafe Right (use these in combination with your mouse to move the camera, but make sure you have pressed tab to unlock your camera so you can look around)
- Shift LMB (left click) = split stack
- Produce = take one Mass Produce = take all you can (continuous casts)
- F10 = UI Customization Mode
General Notes & Tips
- Right click things in-game to see what your options for interaction with them are. The . in the center of your screen is your pointer/aim. You can set a skill as default by right clicking it in the sub menus instead of going through the menus to do an action every time.
- When completing an action you generally need to be in a realistic position to achieve it, such as shoveling dirt. You must be standing close enough to the tile you want to shovel (but not on it) so that the shovel can visually hit the dirt. In some cases, this doesn’t apply though. Such as the Forge, which you can stand metres away from and still use. But generally, it’s a pretty good rule of thumb for getting actions to work correctly.
- Hit F3 to see a grid on the tiles in the immediate surrounding area. This view also shows you the height of individual tiles, as well as how flat they are (white is uneven, green is flat). You need a flat surface to build structures on so this is important to use and can also help you figure out if you’re standing on the right tile while trying to complete a task.
- You can make Primitive Tools out of Branches (from trees Nature’s Lore > Snap Off A Branch), Flint Stone (from rock/stone {this includes loose looking dropped stone} Nature’s Lore > Search for a useful Flint Stone), and Wild Plant Fibers (from the ground Nature’s Lore > Gather Plant Fibers). Once you have collected some of all three materials (different tools require different amounts of each) you can right click a branch to Create a Primitive Tool (Artisan > Create a Primitive Tool). Some tools also require small amounts of Rock (Primitive Cooking Pot & Primitive Crucible and Stick) or Bark (Primitive Cup).
- Your Movement skill reflects the maximum speed % you can move at while carrying an object. To level your movement quicker so that you’re not such a slow poke around the place (try carrying a trader’s cart with low movement!) you can cut down a tree or find a log that’s already cut down and repeatedly pick it up and place it down. Pick it up and place it down. This will not only level your Movement skill but your Willpower, expanding your inventory space.
- The paragraphs of text that pop up and that your character sometimes reacts to, are just flavor text, enjoy them!
- Swimming is dangerous! You might feel like you can float, but you won’t. You will drown. Really though you can go for a little dip just be careful especially if you have a lot of armor and weight on your character because you will drown faster. My last swimming death was on an underwater animal tracking adventure in the lake not to be advised.
- When your tools break you can sacrifice them to the guild monument to help increase the land claim. Otherwise, iron tools and steel tools can be recycled to gain back resources that can be depleted such as iron.
- Horse riding skill is leveled by simply riding horses. Once you are on a horse you will get a set of health and stamina bars for your horse. Your horse can get puffed out and you can also get attacked by animals while still on your horse. You control your horse with the same movement skills as your main character except W and S both control the speed of the horse. You can just tap w and s to adjust your speed, you don’t have to hold it down. If you are bolting through the forest on your horse and there are a lot of trees I would suggest going into first person [C]. Doing this can make it a lot easier to dodge those skinny trees and trees that are close together.
- Be careful if you’ve been standing in a mine for a long time (multiple in game days) and you haven’t reinforced it with beams. Mines do fill in and they can collapse on you and kill you.
- Not all objects you create are moveable the same way that a chest or the tanning tubs are. So keep that in mind when placing things to build otherwise you may just end up with a forge on one end of your village and a kiln all the way on the other side. However, if you have a monument and guild land claimed this is less of a problem because you can remove permanent structures from guild land. But you will still lose all the materials you put into it in the first place.
- The Map won’t center you automatically but you can press the person icon on the map for it to center you. You can drag the map around to center yourself as well or to look at the rest of the map. You can actually spot useful things on the map like ore via the color of the terrain. On the map, you will see + and – icons you can use to zoom in and out. The mountain and compass icons switch between two map view modes. The mountain icon showing the height of landmasses on the continent. For interest’s sake, the map’s total land mass is approximately equivalent to the island of Malta with the total area being the approximate equivalent of Andorra.
- Your 7 skill Prayer for Homecoming will initially not work, telling you that you need to pray with greater fervor! You just have to spam it a bit until it finally goes and then you start building up your piety skill. The higher Piety gets the easier time you will have getting any piety related skills to work. Later you can bind to a house or craft building and then Prayer for Homecoming will port you directly back. However initially, Prayer for Homecoming will teleport you around the island to random locations. Which can be great for getting ported closer to your friends or just exploring. It’s also the only way to get on the island from the mainland.
- If you’re doing any building ventures and removing trees around the area for space or supplies, don’t forget to Uproot the stump, especially if you’ve removed a sapling. You don’t want to pile thousands of units of dirt into a tile only to not be able to flatten and build on it because something’s blocking it, somewhere. It’s truly a needle in a haystack scenario.
- You can add an extra bar to add all of your emotes to. Emotes are found by hitting L to get to Skills > Minor > General Actions and you can just drag them from there onto the bar.
- If you hit someone and they are not in your group you will lose alignment.
You’ve got your primitive shovel (or another tool), you can move around, and you’re ready to do something! Get to surviving. Hold on, what are those bars for and why is my green one so low. By Odin, I’m hungry!
Stat bars & Food
You have three main stat bars. The red bar is your health bar. The yellow bar is your stamina bar. The green bar is your hunger bar. The less full they all are, the worse shape you are in! You may notice that the red and yellow bars are halved horizontally with the lower half having a darker shade. These two shades in each bar represent your ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ health and stamina.
If it’s the first day on your character you will have a piece of Bread and 2 Cookies in your bag to get you started when you first experience hunger (the green bar is low). These don’t go very far so your best bet is to find yourself a good looking apple tree and pick some apples. Apples are great because not only can you eat them but you can use them for cooking, making snares, taming animals, and feeding animals. The higher quality of the apple the more hunger it will fulfill. Once you find an apple tree, right click it and go to Nature’s Lore > Gather Apples. The mass produce option will do continuous casts until you have picked all the apples the tree has.
Apple trees are actually one of the easier trees to notice higher quality in; simply through looking at the tree. A high-quality apple tree will usually have apples on it and lots of luscious and bright leaves (depending on the season). It will also have a thicker trunk than other lower quality apple trees and usually split into 3 main stems after the initial height of the main trunk. I have picked 100 quality trees out of entire orchards through this method so give it some practice and see how you go!
After you’ve spent some time trying things or exploring across the map. You will notice your bottom yellow bar, the hard stamina bar, going down. Raising your hard stamina is as easy as using the 8 skill Rest and making sure you have a belly full of food. Resting will drain your hunger bar and refill your stamina bar so be sure to have a snack after your rest too.
Note the fullness of this tree compared to the ones in the background as well as a number of leaves and apples. Just kind of looks like a healthy tree doesn’t it?
Note the 3 main stems here that split off the main trunk and also the thickness of the main trunk.
Quality and Durability
When you inspect an object you see all the details of the object such as Quality, Durability, and when applicable what the object has within it. e.g how many branches in a tree, how many Silk Cocoons in a Mulberry Tree, how much Bark on a tree. The maximum quality an object or structure can have is 100. Quality generally reflects durability and the quality of items you produce are directly affected by the skill level you have in whatever skill you are using. For example:
- When you get a Sproutling from a tree, the tree may be Quality 99 but if your Forestry skill is only 35, then the Sproutlings you get from the Quality 99 tree will be Quality 35 and so the subsequent trees that grow from them. Forestry skill applies to Apples and silk cocoons collected as well.
- A 100 quality Tool will have approximately twice the durability of a tool with 1 quality.
- Higher quality Weapons and Armour are more effective at dealing and mitigating damage.
- Crops grown are limited by the quality of the soil. You can make the quality of your soil better by Fertilizing it with Dung (which you can collect from Coops & Barns).
- The components you use to build a structure will also affect the quality of finished structures, thereby affecting the durability as well. However, with animal buildings, the components only affect the hit points. Generally, it’s better to use higher quality trees for wooden components such as boards, billets, and building logs. This is because the higher quality tree the more components you get out of one log (chopped down tree).
Combining Item Stacks
The quality of items averages out if you put together two items of different qualities. Sometimes this can be beneficial but it can also lower the quality of your stack of items. And sometimes it doesn’t matter because it’s just dirt you’re dumping on the ground etc.
I suggest generally combining things within the same tenth of quality (20s, 30s, 40s etc.) if you need to for the sake of space. Though if you are careful about combining you can benefit from combining two stacks of items. The benefit comes when a large quantity of a lower quality item raises in quality after combination.
Don’t forget at higher qualities it can be beneficial to keep separate stacks when the difference is only 1 or 2 (i.e 85, 87, 88). Especially if it’s something you will consistently get a lot of. Because later you will have a large stack of high-quality food for example without having sacrificed levels of any. That’s probably up to personal preference in the end though.
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